
Serviceable Material

We offer the highest quality parts at the best prices. If you are in need of any parts for your aircraft and contact us. We will find what you need at the best price to get you back in the air!

Engine Overhaul/Repair Management

Are you getting your engine repaired or overhaul? NorthStar has the experience and close contacts with major manufactures to help keep cost down for your engines visit to any shop. This includes negotiations with sales and shop managers to get you the best pricing and shortest turn around time.

Engine Leasing

Need to lease an engine? NorthStar can get you the best prices from different companies to help you cut cost and stay flying.


Working with different manufactures we help work with engineering to help find the answers to any issues that might be occurring with your aircraft.


Need an A&P mechanic? NorthStar has FAA certified Airframe & Powerplant mechanics on staff to send to your location for any issues you are having with your aircraft.